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Please see below your step-by-step guide for domestic students who are completing a Deakin College diploma in February 2025 and transferring to Deakin University in March 2025.
If you received a Packaged Offer (diploma + bachelor degree) when you applied to Deakin College, you do not need to complete Step 2, unless you wish to change your bachelor degree preference. Check your original offer letter to see if you were offered a place in a diploma only, or a diploma and a bachelor degree.
The following transfer criteria apply:
See ‘Transfer criteria: Deakin College to Deakin University‘ below for more details.
Deakin College will forward your results to Deakin University on the day they are released.
If you sat for a deferred exam, your results will not be sent to Deakin University until the results are finalised. As a result, you may receive an email from the University advising that you have not been offered a place.
You should email the Pathways team at Deakin University to inform them that your results have not been finalised due to your deferred exam.
If you received a Packaged Offer (diploma + bachelor degree) when you applied to Deakin College, you do not need to complete this step, unless you wish to change your bachelor degree preference. Check your original offer letter to see if you were offered a place in a diploma only, or a diploma and a bachelor degree.
If you do not hold a Packaged Offer or you wish to change your course preference, click on the Application Form below and ensure this form is submitted before 5pm on 12 February 2025.
The form will take about 1 minute to complete. A chat box is also available at this site to assist you.
Please note:
By 25 February 2025 (for Trimester 1 2025 intake), Deakin University will send you an email outlining your application outcome regardless of whether you were offered a place or not.
If you do not receive an email by the next day, please email the Pathways team at Deakin University.
If you do not achieve a WAM of 50, please contact your Academic Coordinator at Deakin College. If you achieve a WAM of 50 but do not meet the WAM required for your desired course, please change your course preference to a course or campus that has a lower WAM.
Please read your offer carefully. You must comply with the instructions in your offer, including how to enrol online. If you encounter any issues, please contact your Faculty as soon as possible.
You will also need to select your timetable yourself after you enrol, using STAR.
You can also now collect a Deakin University student ID card.
Deakin University conducts an Orientation session specifically for graduating Deakin College students. This aims to address the differences in study styles and expectations between Deakin College and Deakin University, as well as introducing students to Deakin Cloud and Deakin Sync.
Please also attend your Faculty Orientation.
Congratulations! You are now ready to commence at Deakin University.
Trimester 1 2025 classes commence on Monday 3 March 2025.
Students (Australian/Permanent Resident Students/Humanitarian Visa Holder/New Zealand citizens) who successfully complete their Diploma course at Deakin College and who meet the transfer criteria will be eligible to apply for a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) in the second year of the relevant Deakin University undergraduate degree.
Your undergraduate course at Deakin University may require you to enrol into specific units and/or unit sets in order to meet the course, and/or major/minor sequence requirements.
We highly recommend you carefully plan your unit selection at the time you commence your Diploma course at Deakin College, making sure you enrol in the correct set of units that align with your goals and the requirements of the undergraduate course. Otherwise, you may be required to rescind credit points granted in recognition of prior learning for units you have completed during your Diploma, that do not contribute towards the completion of your undergraduate course at Deakin University.
Deakin College students who complete their Deakin College course within the normal timeframe for completion (based on full-time enrolment) are considered for entry to Deakin University courses on the basis of the conditions that applied at the time they commenced the Deakin College course.
Deakin College students who complete their Deakin College course in a timeframe beyond the normal completion period (based on full-time enrolment) are considered for entry to Deakin University courses on the basis of the conditions that are in place at the time they apply for entry to Deakin University.
See the ‘Transferring to Deakin University’ section on the following pages:
Deakin University holds ‘Transferring to Deakin University’ information sessions towards the end of each trimester for students who will be completing their Deakin College Diploma.
You will be invited by email to the sessions.
Find out more about transferring to Deakin University on the Deakin University website or download the ‘How to transfer – Deakin College to Deakin University’ brochure.