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Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS)

Your ability to show potential for university study may have been limited due to a range of factors. We can consider these factors when you apply so you don’t miss out on the degree you’ve always wanted.

Who can apply?

To apply for consideration you must:

  • be an Australian citizen, and
  • meet the course prerequisites and Deakin’s entrance requirements

Applications through VTAC

When do I apply?

SEAS applications through VTAC have now closed. For further information visit the VTAC website.

How does it work?

Consideration is given through the VTAC SEAS application. The scheme works by adding points to your aggregate to bring you up to the level we think you would have achieved if your circumstances had been different. This increases your chance of getting a course offer but does not guarantee it.

There are four categories in SEAS. You can apply for all the categories that are relevant to your situation, so long as you apply to each category for a different reason.

Category 1 – Personal information and location

  • Mature age – 8 aggregate points consideration
  • Recognition as an Indigenous Australian – 10 aggregate points consideration
  • Living or school location – 10 aggregate points consideration
  • Under-represented schools – 10 aggregate points consideration
  • Non-English speaking background – 5 aggregate points consideration

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Category 2 – Disadvantaged financial background

  • Centrelink recipient – up to 10 aggregate points consideration
  • Applicant not in receipt of Centrelink – up to 10 aggregate points consideration

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Category 3 – Disability or medical condition

  • Up to 10 aggregate points consideration

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Category 4 – Difficult circumstances

  • Up to 10 aggregate points consideration

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Maximum overall consideration given

Over all of the SEAS categories Deakin College will give a maximum of 20 aggregate points of consideration for each applicant.

How to apply

Submit a VTAC course application before you apply for SEAS.

  • Read the SEAS information on the VTAC website
  • Complete and submit the SEAS online application
  • If relevant, ensure you have organised statements of support and proof as required
  • Do not submit your SEAS application directly to Deakin College.

Documentary evidence

Please ensure you follow the VTAC rules for providing supporting documentation.

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