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Succeeding at University

University life in Australia may be different to what you’re used to at home. Follow these tips to thrive in your studies.

Class expectations

Learn what is expected from you in a classroom setting

Expectations of students in Australia may differ from that in your home country. In Australia, it is typical to have an informal relationship between staff and students.

At Deakin College, it is expected that you will:

  • Attend all your classes and meet fellow students for group work at the arranged time
  • Actively participate in all your classes by listening, responding to lecturers, and asking questions
  • Be well informed and respond to messages in a timely fashion
  • Submit assignments complete and on time
  • Abide by Deakin College’s rules and regulations, which can be found in the Course Handbooks and on our Policies & Procedures page
  • Pay your tuition fees by the due dates
  • Communicate with lecturers regarding illnesses and other personal issues which might result in you being absent from your classes


Examinations are a compulsory part of your studies

The main exam period is during the last week of each study period. The exam timetable is usually available 3-4 weeks prior to each exam period.

While the College cannot make special arrangements to allow students to sit exams privately to accommodate holiday plans, we do work to accommodate students with compelling and compassionate circumstances such as illness, disability, or death of a family member.

The result for a unit may be made up of a required minimum attendance, mid-semester test, assignments, participation in class, and examination results. You will need to check your individual unit outline.

View exam dates.

Ash Hussain image

Ash Hussain

“I am grateful with my decision to study at Deakin College first instead of going straight into Deakin University as it would’ve been a drastic change if I went straight into Deakin University. The small class sizes allowed more academic support and one-on-one attention which helped me better understand the lectures. The teachers were very engaging, meticulous and always ready to answer any questions from students.”

Diploma of Engineering

Pakistani student

University terminology

Learning new terms and acronyms

Understanding all the new terms and acronyms can be a bit difficult at first. Here are some to help you in your first few weeks.

Learn more about our Student Policies and Procedures.

If you ever have concerns about how you are performing in your classes, or you want to get some academic help, reach out to our Support Services.

Learn more about Deakin Support Services.

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