Forms & documents

Get quick access to the documents and forms you need.

For current students, applicants and graduates

Current students

Current students can access all documents and forms in the student hub on the student portal.


Graduates can find selected documents here:

Please note that official academic transcripts and graduation certificates are only issued as original, paper copies and cannot be sent by email. These documents will be mailed domestically and internationally by Australia Post.

  • Apply for a refund of tuition fees

    Graduates eligible for a refund must apply for a refund of any balance remaining in their student account within three months after they have completed their course, or the balance will be forfeited. Any refund request will be assessed in accordance with the Refund Policy. The assessment process can take up to four weeks. If you have not heard back regarding your application for a refund after this time, please contact Deakin College Finance at